Thursday, July 1, 2010

My Friend, My Brother

Not sure where to start. We haven't talked in about a year. Trudy and Thi called me this morning to tell me the bad news. I miss you man, I really do.

So much went through my mind today, after I found out. I was overwhelmed by the memories, good and bad times, mostly good ones for sure. Along with Dat, Derek, Hinton, Jamie, and Victor you were one of my closest friends. As you know, I have no siblings so I always saw you guys as my brothers. I always had a feeling that we'd all be together in the same place again one day, drinking, partying, and bonding like old times. Now it's too late for that...

We had so many good times together, especially when I used to live in Applewood. Do you remember the first time we met at BKT? You were sitting in the hallway in the portables when I walked by. Do you remember all those times in my basement we drank, played poker, video games, watched movies, and partied? Do you remember the time we egged that guys house and he chased after us with his car and we ran across the field in the deep ass snow? We were running our asses off, scared shitless, but you were right by my side telling me to catch up. Do you remember those times we worked out in your basement and you always lifted more than me and called me a fat ass? Do you remember that time at your place I had nothing to do and wouldn't leave you and Trudy alone? Do you remember those times you guys would walk in on me sleeping and when I woke up you were hiding beside my bed waiting to scare the shit out of me? Do you remember all those mornings in auto body class? We were like the class clowns, always fucking around in a hazardous environment, but the teachers would still love us. Do you remember those late summer nights when we would just roam the streets of Applewood? I remember you giving me packs of Marlboros and you didn't even smoke. These are all just mere flashbacks of all the great times we shared together, there are so many and I'm sure they will gradually come back to me.

I've been trying to think all day of when the last time I saw you was, I can't. The closest time would be at Tango's restaurant when we all decided to go out for some late night grub. But I remember the last time we were all together as a whole group, it was at my old house in Chestermere when everyone came over for hot pot, that was almost two years ago now.

I know you're reading this from up there. I'll never forget the time we shared together. I'll hold onto those memories forever. I'm glad you were a part of my life. Take it easy up there. I love you, brother.


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