It's 1:30 in the morning. I'm wired on prescription drugs, so I'm thinking that my best option right now is to write a blog entry. Sleep? Sleep is for the weak. My apologies for potential grammar and/or spelling mistakes. Once again, I'm wired on prescription drugs.
So just a few things on my mind as of late. I've stressed this many times and I'll continue doing so. It always seems as though the people whom we know the least make the greatest impact on us. A complete stranger can instantly brighten up our days. Two examples;
1) I was short a few dollars the other day at Starbucks, I was then going to buy myself and my little cousins something with my credit card but the card reader failed to recognize it, so I had to cancel 2 of the 3 orders. The gentlemen before us, waiting for his drink, saw this occuring and offered to buy us our drinks. Like, wow really? And his excuse was that it's Christmas time. I obviously declined because I just don't like taking free things from strangers, but good on him for doing that. He also came outside after my cousin got her drink and kept insisting. Society needs more people like this.
2) I've made a lot of acquaintances through social networking lately. Particularly Twitter. Some whom I haven't even met in real life before, or some just once or twice, yet they share with me interesting stuff about music, movies, photography, social networking, etc. Some take the time out of their day to link me songs they think I might be interested in. Or even to inform me of what menu items are bomb at a particular restaurant. It's crazy how social networking has this majestic ability to bring people together just like that. The power of the internet is so endless.
There's this one person in particular, I have not met her before, I don't know what her voice sounds like, I have a vague idea of what she looks like, we communicate through tweets and texts but we just click when we talk (pun intended). I may be witty, slick, silly, even charming with my words sometimes with most girls but not every one can open up my thoughts as she does. I can only hope to have that same effect for her. I think she'll be a significant person in this wretched life of mine (it doesn't hurt that we have a few friends in common).
On a different note, this time last year I was back in Calgary celebrating my birthday with friends whom at that point I haven't seen for about a year and a half. I ended up staying 3 weeks or so. It was truly good times. Despite all of the bad and misfortune that followed afterwards, I'll definitely always remember the good more. This year probably won't live up to the last, but I still have my friends and family here I can spend quality time with, and that's what is most important.
You Made My Day
Thank you for posting this! I think it's great to hear about kind people, the more we do, the less "out there" it is for another person to do something kind for another. It really doesn't take very much to brighten a person's day. :) Looking forward to reading more of your posts.
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